Holiday homes for New Year's Slovakia

Would you like to experience a vibrant New Year in another country? Then why not spend your New Year’s holiday in Slovakia? Book one of Bungalow.Net's holiday homes for New Year’s in Slovakia today and discover the culture... Read more

Special Holiday homes deals from Slovakia


Would you like to experience a vibrant New Year in another country? Then why not spend your New Year’s holiday in Slovakia? Book one of Bungalow.Net's holiday homes for New Year’s in Slovakia today and discover the culture and beautiful nature during your New Year’s holiday in Slovakia!

New Year’s celebration on the streets

Gather on the streets of Bratislava on New Year’s Eve and enjoy a unique and lively atmosphere during your New Year’s holiday in Slovakia. At this huge street party in Bratislava you can admire spectacular fireworks at midnight as well as beautifully decorated streets.

A sportive New Year’s holiday in Slovakia

If you can still walk straight after midnight, you can take part in the special New Year’s Eve run, which goes alongside the river Danube and across the bridges of Bratislava. Begin the New Year like a real sportsman on your New Year’s holiday in Slovakia! If you’re looking for something a little less strenuous on your New Year’s holiday, you can go for a stroll in “Janko Kráľ Orchard”, one of the oldest public parks in Europe. Don't miss this chance. Book your holiday home for New Year’s in Slovakia today!

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