Holiday homes in Brandenburg

Bungalow.Net's holiday homes in Brandenburg offer first class accommodation in one of Germany's most popular tourist destinations. Situated near major points of interest and in close proximity to cities like Berlin and Potsdam... Read more

Special Holiday homes deals from Brandenburg


Bungalow.Net's holiday homes in Brandenburg offer first class accommodation in one of Germany's most popular tourist destinations. Situated near major points of interest and in close proximity to cities like Berlin and Potsdam, our vacation rentals in Brandenburg provide unlimited possibilities whether you've come in search of a cultural holiday in Brandenburg or an outdoor holiday in Germany. A great place to start in Brandenburg is the magnificent state capital of Potsdam, famous for its castles and gardens. One of Potsdam's must-sees is Sanssouci Palace, once the summer residence of Frederick the Great. With its lavish parks and manicured gardens, this architectural gem is often referred to as the Versailles of Germany. If a green holiday in Brandenburg is more to your taste, the High Flaming Nature Park is a great place to enjoy hiking, cycling and bird-watching or you can combine your love of culture with a holiday among nature in Brandenburg as you walk the 2.5-km-long "art trail". In short, there's something for everyone in Brandenburg, and that includes the family pet as well when you book one of Bungalow.Net's pet-friendly houses in Brandenburg!

Bungalow.Net's holiday homes in Brandenburg for a holiday among nature

Let Bungalow.Net's holiday homes in Brandenburg put you on the road to a successful holiday in Germany. With thousands of kilometers of signposted hiking, biking and horseback riding trails through Germany's countryside, it's an ideal destination for an active holiday among nature in Germany. The trails are also well-suited for cross-country skiing so you can enjoy a winter break in Brandenburg as well. Those who have come for a cultural holiday in Brandenburg should visit the breathtaking UNESCO biosphere reserve of Spreewald, easily accessible from one of our pet-friendly vacation rentals in Brandenburg. Meanwhile, 6 km south of Potsdam lies the 17th century Caputh Castle, which is not only famous for its stunning architecture and splendid gardens, but is also known for being the place where Albert Einstein spent his summers while developing his world-changing theories. Let your imagination run free. Book one of Bungalow.Net's detached villas in Brandenburg today for a holiday that's simply out of this world!

Well-rounded holiday with Bungalow.Net's holiday homes in Brandenburg

Get the most out of your next holiday in Germany with Bungalow.Net's holiday homes in Brandenburg, gateway to fun, adventure, culture and a whole lot more. From one of our bungalow parks with swimming pool in Brandenburg you can take a city trip to Berlin or Potsdam, enjoy long or short boat excursions on rivers like the Elbe, or visit numerous castles like Eisenhardt and Rabenstein. Nature areas like the Schorfheide and Spreewald allow you to discover nature by bicycle or "punt", a flat-bottomed boat ideally suited for a canal trip in Brandenburg. The Spreewald is also home to descendants of the Sorb, the original settlers of this area. With their ancient customs and traditional clothing, it's a great place for a cultural holiday in Brandenburg. For more traditional holiday activities, Brandenburg offers canoeing, golf, horseback riding, tennis and more, perfect for any active holiday in Germany. Don't limit your possibilities this holiday season. Book one of Bungalow.Net's self-catering houses in Brandenburg today!

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